
Friday, April 12, 2013

Fab Find Friday: 4/12/2013

Happy Friday everyone! Another week is finished, and we are one step closer to SUMMER!  Woohoo!

1.  Did you know there's a blog hop going on right now???  You could win TpT gift certificates...and you get 17 FREEBIES!! Check it out here.

2.  A FREE book companion for If You Give a Dog a Donut from thedabblingspeechie here.

3. Tips for keeping a student's attention during assessments from Teach Speech 365 here.

4. Cute poem entitled "If You Give an SLP an iPad" here.

5.  What I'm thinking right now....

6. Pirate Cartoon:

Source: Pinterest

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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  1. Thanks for the blog hop shout out! Good luck with graduation!

  2. Thanks for the mention! Best of luck after graduation!
