Every year, Edublogs are awarded to those blogs that are exceptional and stand out in a given category. There are a lot of categories, but I have only listed those relevant below. There are SO many great blogs/bloggers out there; it was so hard to pick JUST ONE for each category. But without further ado, here are my nominations for the 2013 Edublogs award!
Best Individual Blog: Allison's Speech Peeps. I love Nicole's style and her products are phenomenal. She talks about tough issues with grace, and she is always striving to do the best for her students. I love all of her products.
Best Group Blog: Speechie Freebies. Who doesn't love this blog? A bunch of SLPs working hard to bring this community freebies every month!
Best Student Blog: Speechy Musings. Shannon is a fellow grad student and is inspiring me and thousands of others out there!! I love her blog an her materials.
Best Twitter Hashtag: #slpeeps This is one hashtag that I think the whole SLP community on Twitter uses!! So many great discussions happen using this!
So there you have it! My nominees for this year's Edublog Awards!
For more information, go here!
Thanks, Carissa! You really, really rock!