Monday, August 26, 2013

Love It And List It Linky: Organization

Happy Monday, everyone!  Today's topic is organization.  This is one of the most important things for grad students (and busy SLPs).  This post is a part of Jenna's linky party called Love It and List It!  Check out her original post and the entire linky party here.

These are three simple ways that I have stayed organized as a grad student.  It makes life a lot less stressful when things are organized!!

1.  My number one way to stay organized is with a good planner.  I write everything down....everything.  I posted one picture the other day.  Here are some more for you to check out, for those of you who were asking. It is from Erin Condren, and YES, it is worth the price.


2.  I've always had this organizer.  I think it started out as a Beanie Baby holder.  I then used it as a shoe holder. Now I'm using it as a place for all of the little cards that come with TpT products!

3.  Another way I try and stay organized is with all of my "little" things like pens, staples, or batteries. I started this project a few weeks ago and haven't had a chance to finish it yet.  It has been awesome so far though!!

There you have it- THREE simple ways to remain organized as a busy grad student (or SLP). Happy organizing :)
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  1. Hahahaha....I love that you used your shoe rack as a beanie baby holder!!! So sweet! If you mom reads your blog, I'm sure she is smiling at the memory :) thanks for sharing...I agree the BEST way to stay organized is a great planner/calendar system!!!

  2. I have little drawers too but they don't have colour coordinated chevron labels. I love my little drawers but my planner is the winner as far as keeping me on track. Thanks for sharing.
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  3. I love those little drawers and could definitely use them; I just don't have anyplace to put it!

  4. Look sgreat! Thanks for linking up!



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