Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Plan of the Day Posters {freebie}

One of the big pushes happening at my school right now is metacognition.   According to Merriam Webster, metacognition is the awareness or analysis of one's own learning or thinking processes.  For us, that means talking about our plan for our sessions and then reviewing what we have done at the end of our sessions.  We do this ALL of the time with our students who benefit from visual schedules.  When we forget about it is with those students who do not need visual schedules.

So this prompted me to create Plan of the Day posters for myself and my students to use.  I placed it in a sheet protector, which allows me to erase it between sessions.  It has worked very well so far!! Sometimes, the students want to write on it themselves. I love when they get involved.

I hope this is something you can use for yourself and your students in your speech room, so I've created a freebie for you!  There are two sets of wording, based on your preference/ age level of students.  I've also included three border options.

If you think this would be helpful to you, please head over to my TpT store to download it!! You can find it here.  Feedback is always appreciated!

Hope this is helpful!

post signature

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