Happy Friday! I hope your June is starting off well. Happy summer to some of you. For those still in school, I hope your year finishes up well!
Today, I want to look at a newer Smarty Ears app with you. It's called Pronoun Heroes!
First, select your students.
Next, you have a choice of 6 activities (2 teaching, 4 practicing):
Under "What are Pronouns?" and "Pronoun Types," you will find various teaching activities. The app teaches about a lot of different types of pronouns, such as personal, reflexive, demonstrative, possessive, and many more!
After going through the teaching segments, students can practice what they've learned through four activities:
1. Where is the Pronoun?
The SLP can choose whether the student is selecting the pronoun at the word or phrase level. As you can see below, the student is given 4 words to choose from, and they select the pronoun. In the phrase level, the student is given a phrase and is asked to select the pronoun.
2. Which one is not a Pronoun?
This activity looks similar to the one above. This time, the student selects the word that is NOT a pronoun.
3. Find the Picture
In this activity, the student is given two pictures. They will select which picture best fits the word given. One great part about this activity is that you can customize it to the user. If you want to focus on certain pronouns over others, you can do it!
4. Let's Use Pronouns
Students are given a picture of a common event or activity. They are also given a sentence with a missing pronoun. The student will fill in the blank from a choice of two.
As with all Smarty Ears apps, this one has great data collection and reports!
Overall, this is a great app for students to practice pronouns. I especially like the teaching portion. It allows for a pre-teaching opportunity before the practice activities. This app can be used in whole group and during center time. It allows for easy planning for the busy SLP. Finally, it targets 19 different pronouns, making it extremely comprehensive.
If you are interested in this app, you can find it on the app store for $14.99!
What do you think? Could you use this app in your speech room?
Note: Smarty Ears generously provided a code for my review. No other compensation was received. All opinions expressed are mine.

I have a product in my tpt store that targets pronouns with a superhero theme. This would be a great app to add to that unit for more practice, reinforcement, etc! I love it! Thanks for the review!