I have a huge heart for mission work. I went on a mission trip per summer in high school and did some in-town mission working while I was in college. I love it when mission work can overlap with our profession as well. I have always wanted to do something like that, so I applaud those who have.
A reader emailed me this week to tell me about her upcoming trip to Zambia, Africa! Kristina is going with CLASP International. I hadn't heard of it before she emailed me, but after reading up on it here, I liked what I was reading! CLASP stands for Connective Link Among Special needs Programs. Their mission is to provide a voice to the voiceless. You can watch more about it here:
Kristina will be going over to Zambia to provide speech therapy to some of those kiddos. She will also be training some of Zambia's own graduate students so they can become speech-language pathologists! These are the very first SLPs over there, which is so so so exciting!
Here's a few things you can do:
-Follow her journey on her blog: Silence Isn't Always Golden
-Donate via CLASP International: here
-Contact Kristina through her blog to get the official introduction and donation letter.
-Send prayers, well wishes, or positive thoughts her way
Additionally, I will be giving ALL of the profits from my store this Sunday and Monday (May 18 and May 19) to Kristina!! You can find my store here.
Thanks for supporting such a great cause along with me.
Thank you again! The May team leaves TODAY, so please send well wishes and prayers their way!