One of the most common goals I worked on this semester was idioms. My fourth graders were expected to know them in the regular classroom, so I figured I would target them as well. What came out of that experience was this packet! This packet will walk them through the
history behind each idiom included as well as activities to help them practice
the definitions. One thing I learned was that they will learn the idioms better once they have an understanding of where the idiom came from.
Here are the activities/pages included:
-Idiom List- This is a list of all idioms included
in the packet.
-Idiom Definition poster--Poster with the
definition of an idiom to hang on the board in the classroom.
-Pretest/Posttest--Three options for
pretests/posttests, one with multiple choice, one with true/false, and one
where the students will write their own definitions.
-Idiom Memory-Played like the normal game of
Memory. Students choose a picture card
(picture of the idiom) and a definition card.
-History of Idiom Worksheets (Black and White)-These posters include the picture of the idiom in black and white, a
brief history of the idiom, and a follow-up question. These can be used as posters in the
classroom, as worksheets, or as a workbook when stapled together.
-History of Idiom Worksheets (Color). These are
the same thing as above, just in color.
-Idiom Worksheets- These worksheets have the
students write the meaning, list situations in which the idiom could be used,
and retell the history of the idiom. There is one page per idiom.
-Writing Prompts- Use these sheets for
students to create a story using the pictured idiom. There is one page per idiom.
-Idiom Meaning Chart-This chart has four
columns: one for the idiom, one for information the student already knows about
the idiom, one for the student's definition of the idiom, and then the actual
-Idiom of the Week Bookmarks-Two identical
bookmarks which have spots for the idiom, the meaning, and a drawing of the
idiom to be used for homework or for the last 5 minutes of therapy when there
is some extra time.
-Drawing Sheet-A worksheets where students will
draw the literal meaning and the figurative meaning of the idioms.
-I Have...Who Has Game-Play like a normal I
Have..Who Has game where one student will start by reading the card they
have. Each card includes an idiom and
its picture as well as a question with the definition of the next idiom. The student who has the idiom that goes along
with the definition answers and play continues.
-Idiom Bingo-Five different bingo cards, a
tracking sheet, and calling cards.
-Idiom Tic-Tac-Toe--A Tic-Tac-Toe Board with
various tasks for the students to complete.
If they complete the task, they may place an X or an O in their spot.
I truly hope this packet helps your students learn idioms and help you with easy planning! You can find this in my TpT store! It's currently on sale for 20% the regular price, so get it now while it's discounted! (Note- limited time only).
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