
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Let's Talk About Books: Week 5 {linky}

It's another week and another chance to talk about books!  Every week, Deanna Jump hosts a linky party to talk about books we have been reading or like to use in our classroom!  I love hearing about how others have used books and get some new ideas for my speech room.   Check out last week's post here.

Recently, I was able to proofread a brand new book, and I am so excited about it!! It's called There Was A Speech Teacher Who Swallowed Some Dice by Pat Mervine.

Description (from Amazon):

"A wacky Speech Teacher starts swallowing everything she needs to do speech/language therapy in her school! What could possibly happen? Better look out when those dice begin to roll! "There Was a Speech Teacher Who Swallowed Some Dice" is a delightfully silly way to introduce students to many of the materials used in speech therapy, and ends with a Speech Room Scavenger Hunt."
Here are some pictures from the book to give you a flavor of it!

Here's the review I wrote on Amazon:
"This book is perfect for SLPs and explaining what happens in speech therapy to our students/clients. This is a great book to use any time during the year, but especially at the beginning to help introduce the students to speech therapy and what to expect. The book is fun and wacky, with the "speech teacher" swallowing things like dice, glue, tongue depressors, sound cards, and the prize box. If you like the "There Was An Old Lady..." Series, you will love this!"
I plan to use this book during the first week of therapy to help students get used to what we will be doing throughout the year!

What is your favorite book to use during the first week of therapy?    

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