Sunday, January 6, 2013

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Rose: Storybook Companion

Looking for activities to go along with There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed A Rose? Look no further!  This 53 page download is a storybook companion for you!  This is for preschool and lower elementary students.

You can get the book here:

Game Boards: It includes 2 game boards to be used as incentives or reinforcers.

Pictures/Puppets: Use these pictures during storybook time to allow students who are non-verbal to participate. For example, present them with two pictures and ask them, “What did the old lady swallow first?” These pictures can also be cut out and used on felt boards or as puppets to allow for story retell. Students can also describe the pictures with  additional practice with attributes.

Story Sequencing: Students will sequence the story picture cards as they retell the story.  Use the worksheet for homework or more practice.

Comprehension Questions: Students will answer comprehension questions about the story. They can use the pictures on the cards to answer or aid recall.

Same/Different: Print one set of cards for each student. Students will point to the picture (or circle it) of which object is different of the set or which is same of  the set on the card.

Following Directions: Students each draws a card and follows the direction on the card. Directions are related to events and objects in the book.

Comparing/Contrasting: Students will tell how the two things on the cards are the same and different.

True/False: Students will draw cards and determine whether or not the statement on the card is true or false.

Match Letter and Word to Picture: Students will match the first letter or whole word to the picture.  Can be played like Memory or Go Fish!

Syllable Counting: Students will draw a card and determine the number of syllables that the word has. For example, there will be a picture of candy, and the student will say (or point) that there are 2 syllables.

Glittering Rhyme Awareness: Each card has a word on it. The students will match that word with its rhyming word on another card. Most words are from the story or related to Valentine’s Day.  This can be played like Go Fish or Memory, or they can be used as flashcards.

Illustrate the Story: Print a worksheet for each student.  Students will illustrate each part of the story: Character, One thing she swallowed, Another thing she swallowed, and Conclusion.

You can find this activity in my TpT store

1 comment :

  1. Carissa: I just found your blog while I was searching for stuff to go along with the "Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose" book. I collect all of those "Old Lady" books. I think all of your ideas for this package look really neat! I'd really enjoy talking to you about children with language disorders. If you have a moment, stop by my blog.

    Sharon Dudley, NBCT


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